Jetzt bist Du dran.
Jetzt bist Du dran.
A project of choreographic reconstruction, dedicated to Andrei Jerschik
This project is based on the choreography Mensch im Wahn / Man in delusion (Premiere 1929) by Andrei Jerschik (1902–1997). Andrei Jerschik was a well-known expressive Austrian Ausdruckstänzer, Choreographer, Opera Director and a committed Teacher of acrobatics and ballet. The main subject of that performance is the act of passing on and the act of reconstructing choreography. In 1995 Andrei Jerschik, already aged 94 year old, passed on directly his choreography Mensch im Wahn to Harmen Tromp. Tromp’s memories of that process as well as the vigorous and touching indications that Jerschik gave through handwritten notes formed the initial points of that project.
The piece is conceptually divided into three parts:
Original – Reconstruction – Film
Jetzt bist Du dran. was premiered at the Festival BERÜHRUNGEN. Tanz vor 1938 – Tanz von heute, curated by Andrea Amort in October 2008 at the Odeon in Vienna.
Artistic Direction: Georg Blaschke
Reconstruction and Rehearsal of the Original Choreography: Harmen Tromp
Performance: Petr Ochvat
Light Design: Peter Thalhamer
Original Music: Sergei Rachmaninoff, Prelude in G-Minor, Opus 23, Nr. 5
Music: Mika Vainio
Film Editing: Daniel Zimmermann
Production Assistance: Elisabeth Drucker
Length: 30 minutes
A production of the Festival Berührungen: Tanz vor 1938 – Tanz von heute / Curator: Andrea Amort and M. A. P. Vienna, 2008
Thanks! to Amanda Piña, Anna Prokopova
Performances 2008–2011:
Festival Berührungen, Odeon Theatre Vienna
Posthof Linz
ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival
International Dance Conference Bytom, Poland
An Austrian Dance Evening, Tmuna Thetare, Tel Aviv