branching out
branching out
branching out
Guest Choreography
Listen, I am not in between the trees
See, I am a bunch of birches
Feel, I am elongated lines growing into the sky
Smell the black and white of my bark, my skin
Sense, I am regularly spread in space
Know, I am a garden, in a field, birds do settle in my charms
Wind goes through me, wind blows among my trunks
I was/am somewhere/nowhere
I was/am something/nothing/ I know/feel I am too much
Dutch performer and dramaturg Robert Steijn writes a poem for Austrian choreographer Georg Blaschke for a fictional performance. Georg Blaschke himself passes on an extract of that poem to dance students asking them to create a short dance solo inspired by these lines. The material of these solipsistic statements were then inter-weaved into a choreographic organism for seven dancers.
In Vienna a two-week Feldenkrais workshop introduced the students to improvisatory tasks resulting to the creation of material. In Tel Aviv a three-week process of sharing somatic experiences and qualities motivated the creation of the choreography.
Choreographic Direction: Georg Blaschke
Dance and Choreography Tel Aviv: Adi Shlezinger, Aviya Mendelson, Gal Aizenman, Naama Arava, Omri Shushan, Shiri Lukash, Sivan Peled
Dance and Choreography Vienna: Vanessa Augustin, Nozomi Chinju, Mira Kratochwil, Hae Yeon Lim, Maria Moncheva, Clarissa Omiecienski, Katalin Piri, Christina Zauner
Soundtrack: Ulrich Troyer
Poem: Robert Steijn
Length: 12 minutes
Assistance: Karmit Burian
Production Vienna: Konmservatorium Wien Privatuniversität
Production Tel Aviv: the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology & Arts
Performances 2014:
MuTH Wien
Warehouse 2, Jaffa port, Tel Aviv
Kibbutzim College of Education Technology and the Arts, Tel Aviv
Kindly supported by:
Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv
M. A. P. Vienna
Thanks! to Sharon Reshef Armony, Tal Cohn and the man on the balustrade